NC Apiary Program Keeps Bees Buzzing
Tucked in a clearing off the side of Chatham Street in Cary, hundreds of honeybees go about their business.
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Tucked in a clearing off the side of Chatham Street in Cary, hundreds of honeybees go about their business.
Laundry is no one’s favorite chore, and it doesn’t help that washers and dryers are among the costliest appliances to operate. Since most of us do at least a few loads of laundry each week, it’s worth taking steps to reduce energy use.
Whether you live in Bangor, Maine, or Hendersonville, North Carolina, your home will be more comfortable and energy efficient with the right insulation. Insulation helps lower the cost of heating and cooling your home.
Friends of the Smokies specialty license plates in North Carolina and Tennessee are driving improvements all over the park.
Electric vehicles (EVs) have become increasingly popular as they’ve grown more affordable and available in the United States. EV owners enjoy reduced maintenance and fuel costs, as well as a reduced impact on the environment compared to a typical gasoline-fueled vehicle.
The Centers for Disease Control is recommending three actions to combat the flu: get vaccinated, stop the spread of germs, and take antiviral drugs if they’re prescribed.
Want to know a simple, effective, painless way to protect yourself and others and put a stop to the spread of germs? Wash your hands.
You’ve seen it in newspaper columns and press releases, a Henderson County Chamber of Commerce “tag-line” which briefly describes the organization. You will find it at the end of this column as well.
A recent study published by The New England Journal of Medicine has revealed unwanted findings. Although it is a low-moisture food, raw flour can be a vehicle for foodborne pathogens.
“Heroism and Sacrifice” is the aptly named sculpture in Raleigh, North Carolina that honors all of North Carolina’s fallen firefighters.
Henderson County Solid Waste and Environmental Programs has launched an online recycling and waste disposal database called Recyclopedia.
Each year, more deaths occur due to flooding than any other hazard related to hurricanes and thunderstorms. The most common flood deaths occur when a vehicle is driven into hazardous flood water.