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Hendersonville.com and Leslie and Associates Launch Food Drive to Benefit MANNA Food Bank

Need to clean out your kitchen cabinets? Do you have a few more cans of soup, or jars of peanut butter, than you can use? Bring your unopened, nonperishable food items over to the Manor Inn on Charlotte Street between now and the end of the year, and they will be donated to the needy in WNC.

Asheville.com and a local property management firm, Leslie and Associates, Inc., are partnering to hold a food drive for MANNA Food Bank. The collection spot for the drive is the office of Leslie and Associates, inside the Manor Inn Apartments at 265 Charlotte Street in Asheville. Drop off your food items between the hours of 8:30-5:30 weekdays, or in a collections box and the door to the office on weekends.

Please call Hendersonville.com at 828-693-8069 for more information or directions.

There are many ways in which you, as an individual, can directly participate in improving the lives of those facing hunger in Western North Carolina. The most direct way in which you can have an impact is by donating food. Create a habit of buying a few extra cans when you go to the grocery store. Keep a box by your front door where you deposit these extra cans and when the box is full, bring it on over to Leslie and Associates for the food drive, or to MANNA FoodBank.

The mission of MANNA Food Bank is to involve, educate and unite people in the work of ending hunger in Western North Carolina. MANNA provides food to more than 347 member agencies throughout Western North Carolina who serve 9,000 meals each day, 365 days per year. MANNA is located at 627 Swannanoa River Road in Asheville and 509 Depot Street in Franklin. For more information, to volunteer, host a food drive, or to donate online, visit www.mannafoodbank.org.

(Image provided by MANNA.)

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