Presented in a reader’s theater format, tickets are $15 and include a beverage and dessert. Tickets for the Saturday, October 1, 2022, performance are available online at or by calling the box office at (828) 692-1082.
An adaptation of Bram Stoker’s classic novel, Dracula was written by Orson Welles and John Houseman in 1938 for the CBS Radio Network. Act2 Players will recreate the broadcast, which premiered on July 11, 1938.
Together, they will perform memorable songs from what is known as the “Great American Songbook” – a compilation of influential American popular songs from the early 20th Century. Many became standards and the group will perform them in a jazz style while providing a bit of history and trivia about the songs and the musicals from which they originated.
Reader’s theatre actors don’t memorize scripts but read them to the audience while using their voices and upper bodies to convey the roles they are playing. Actors also use vocal and facial expressions, as well as hand and arm movements.
Directed by Eric Young, the horror classic will be performed in front of microphones with live sound effects. The cast includes former professional and amateur actors, including many faces familiar to the Hendersonville Theatre stage.
Dracula became the premiere episode of The Mercury Theatre of the Air and is considered one of the most horrific and transcendent presentations of radio. This famous dramatic series — featuring adaptations of well-known novels, plays, and films — was originally produced, directed, written, hosted, and performed by Orson Welles, with the Mercury Theatre Company.
Since 1966, Hendersonville Theatre has provided an inviting and nurturing environment for live theatre, as well as high-quality, affordable entertainment for the residents of Hendersonville and surrounding areas. Hendersonville Theatre is wheelchair accessible, with free parking behind and in front of the theater.
Hendersonville Theatre is located at 229 South Washington Street. For tickets or more information contact 828-692-1082 or visit