Looking for a great antique and vintage show in Western North Carolina? Well you’ve found it! And better yet, it’s free!
The annual downtown Hendersonville Antique and Vintage Show attracts a variety of dealers from around our region and beyond to downtown Hendersonville’s sidewalks. Complementing the year-round presence of antique and home goods stores that call downtown home, the show draws thousands to the streets of downtown for a one day surge of activity.
If you are looking for vintage clothing or jewelry, antique or primitive furniture, precious metals, vintage toys, pottery, art glass, quilts or signs, you will find it here!
The show begins at 8:00 am on Saturday, June 24th and continues until 5:00 pm. It takes place on the sidewalks of Main Street, from 1st Avenue to 7th Avenue, rain or shine. Admission is free for attendees!
Festival sponsors include Dad’s Collectibles and Village Green Antiques.
(Photo by Edgar Ward.)