We thought that it would be a good idea for us
to start our own chat room where local people and visitors could get together and exchange
information. Our hope is that it will become a good resource for ideas and conversation.
For those of you unfamiliar with using a chat room, it's pretty easy. All you do is
follow the link to get to the chat area. When you open the page, you will automatically
log on. Then you can use the buttons down the right side to navigate through the room and
chose the people to whom you want to speak.
Here are some basic explanations of the commands:
- Private Echoes - Checking this box will echo any private messages you receive to
the rest of the group.
- Hush Yells - Checking this box will prevent you from getting messages sent to
everyone on the server.
- Who Is On and Finger - Both of these buttons will give you a list of all
the other people that are on. The Who Is On button will give you slightly more
- List Channel - Lets you know how many 'rooms' are open and if they concern a
certain subject.
** To send a message to people in the current channel, type your message in the box at
the bottom and hit enter.
** To send a message to everyone on the server, precede the message with .y.
** To send a private message, type .p followed by the user's name.
** For more advanced features, hit the Help button.
Now that you are up to speed you can start chatting.