Looking for things to do in Hendersonville, NC? Whether you’re a local or just passing through we’ve got loads of great tips and events to help you find your perfect adventure.

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Sunday, June 30, 2024
Farm Beginnings® Program: Farmer program applications open
Jun 30 all-day
Organic Growers School

Farm Beginnings® is training the next generation of farmers in the many skills required to start and expand a successful farm business: passion, clear goals, production experience, financial and marketing know-how, and more.

Farm Beginnings® will help you build these skills through one year of farmer-led training, mentoring, and networking. We support individuals in clarifying their goals and strengths, developing agricultural skills, and growing profitable, equitable, and ecologically sound farm businesses.

The OGS Approach

Guided by our commitment to social justice, our programming is led by farmers and mentors active in food, farming, or social justice. By empowering people with skills, knowledge, and access to resources, together we can build a more diverse, equitable food system that enriches the environment and creates a thriving food and farming community.

We use a holistic management frame, farmer-led classroom sessions, on-farm tours, mentoring, and an extensive farmer network. The topics of equity and justice in the food systems are woven into the curriculum, including examples of realistic approaches within the scope of your business models.

What does Farm Beginnings® include?

The 200+ hr, year-long program consists of:

  • Training on holistic management, farm business, marketing & financial planning

  • Sessions taught by regional, experienced farmers

  • One-year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership

  • Completing and presenting an individualized farm plan

  • Access to field days with regional partners

  • Entry to ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference

  • Entry to OGS’s Spring Conference

  • 15 hr mentorship with an experienced farmer mentor

What does Farm Beginnings® include?

The 200+ hr, year-long program consists of:

  • Training on holistic management, farm business, marketing & financial planning

  • Sessions taught by regional, experienced farmers

  • One-year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership

  • Completing and presenting an individualized farm plan

  • Access to field days with regional partners

  • Entry to ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference

  • Entry to OGS’s Spring Conference

  • 15 hr mentorship with an experienced farmer mentor

View a sample of the full course schedule here.

Tools to Support Liberation
Jun 30 all-day
online w/Bountiful Cities

Liberation Tools is a cooperative subset of the 501c3 nonprofit Soul & Soil Project based in the unceded Tsalagi (Cherokee) territory of Western North Carolina.
Our mission is to build a collective that sustainably and skillfully crafts quality tools used for growing food, and freely distributes them to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. To support these efforts, we sell these tools for twice the cost of producing one, thereby allowing people with accumulated wealth to access high quality tools by also paying for an identical tool to be sent to a BIPOC land steward.


WNC Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training
Jun 30 all-day
Asheville Area

Become a CRAFT member and join us for some incredible CRAFT farm tours this summer!

WNC Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) is a farmer-led effort to bring established farmers, farm apprentices, and aspiring farmers together for year-long training in the art and science of sustainable agriculture, straight from the hearts, mouths, and fields of seasoned local farmers in Western North Carolina (WNC).

Why join CRAFT?

  • Network with beginning and experienced farmers to exchange your ideas and knowledge and build community in the region.
  • Expand your training opportunities beyond your farm to bolster the robustness of your apprenticeship offerings.
  • Attract aspiring farmers to your apprenticeship positions to cultivate success and improve the future of our region’s agriculture.
  • Farm tours are held monthly from April through October and focus on a specific aspect of sustainable farming. Check out the tour schedule and read blog posts about past tours.
  • Gain access to the CRAFT Farmer Handbook: farmer-generated, regionally-specific information on all aspects of farming.
  • Round-table discussions provide a place for farmers to discuss advanced farming topics.
  • The farmer network includes farmers and farm workers and is built on a farmer-to-farmer exchange of ideas.
Monday, July 1, 2024
Farm Beginnings® Program: Farmer program applications open
Jul 1 all-day
Organic Growers School

Farm Beginnings® is training the next generation of farmers in the many skills required to start and expand a successful farm business: passion, clear goals, production experience, financial and marketing know-how, and more.

Farm Beginnings® will help you build these skills through one year of farmer-led training, mentoring, and networking. We support individuals in clarifying their goals and strengths, developing agricultural skills, and growing profitable, equitable, and ecologically sound farm businesses.

The OGS Approach

Guided by our commitment to social justice, our programming is led by farmers and mentors active in food, farming, or social justice. By empowering people with skills, knowledge, and access to resources, together we can build a more diverse, equitable food system that enriches the environment and creates a thriving food and farming community.

We use a holistic management frame, farmer-led classroom sessions, on-farm tours, mentoring, and an extensive farmer network. The topics of equity and justice in the food systems are woven into the curriculum, including examples of realistic approaches within the scope of your business models.

What does Farm Beginnings® include?

The 200+ hr, year-long program consists of:

  • Training on holistic management, farm business, marketing & financial planning

  • Sessions taught by regional, experienced farmers

  • One-year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership

  • Completing and presenting an individualized farm plan

  • Access to field days with regional partners

  • Entry to ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference

  • Entry to OGS’s Spring Conference

  • 15 hr mentorship with an experienced farmer mentor

What does Farm Beginnings® include?

The 200+ hr, year-long program consists of:

  • Training on holistic management, farm business, marketing & financial planning

  • Sessions taught by regional, experienced farmers

  • One-year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership

  • Completing and presenting an individualized farm plan

  • Access to field days with regional partners

  • Entry to ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference

  • Entry to OGS’s Spring Conference

  • 15 hr mentorship with an experienced farmer mentor

View a sample of the full course schedule here.

WNC Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training
Jul 1 all-day
Asheville Area

Become a CRAFT member and join us for some incredible CRAFT farm tours this summer!

WNC Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) is a farmer-led effort to bring established farmers, farm apprentices, and aspiring farmers together for year-long training in the art and science of sustainable agriculture, straight from the hearts, mouths, and fields of seasoned local farmers in Western North Carolina (WNC).

Why join CRAFT?

  • Network with beginning and experienced farmers to exchange your ideas and knowledge and build community in the region.
  • Expand your training opportunities beyond your farm to bolster the robustness of your apprenticeship offerings.
  • Attract aspiring farmers to your apprenticeship positions to cultivate success and improve the future of our region’s agriculture.
  • Farm tours are held monthly from April through October and focus on a specific aspect of sustainable farming. Check out the tour schedule and read blog posts about past tours.
  • Gain access to the CRAFT Farmer Handbook: farmer-generated, regionally-specific information on all aspects of farming.
  • Round-table discussions provide a place for farmers to discuss advanced farming topics.
  • The farmer network includes farmers and farm workers and is built on a farmer-to-farmer exchange of ideas.
Outdoor Bonsai Exhibition Garden
Jul 1 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
NC Arboretum

What is Bonsai?

Bonsai is a challenging and rewarding horticultural activity, in which ordinary plants are grown in an extraordinary way. Through rigorously applied cultivation techniques, trees, shrubs, vines and even herbaceous plants are kept in a miniaturized state, developed into artistic shapes and then displayed in special containers.

What makes the Arboretum’s bonsai endeavor unique among all other public collections in the United States? Regional Interpretation. Visitors will find the Arboretum’s bonsai collection of more than 100 specimens carefully cultivated with a Southern Appalachian accent. The collection draws inspiration from the traditional roots of bonsai, but takes the form of a contemporary, Southern Appalachian influenced American garden. Plantings in the landscape include species and cultivars of American, European and Asian origin.


The Bonsai Exhibition Garden

Established in October 2005, The North Carolina Arboretum’s Bonsai Exhibition Garden is a world renowned garden that displays up to 50 bonsai specimens at a time. Represented are traditional Asian bonsai subjects such as Japanese maple and Chinese elm, tropical plants such as willow-leaf fig and bougainvillea, and American species such as bald cypress and limber pine. Of particular importance are the plants native to the Blue Ridge region, such as American hornbeam and eastern white pine, which enable the Arboretum to bring the thousand-year tradition of bonsai home to the mountains of Western North Carolina. Interpretive signage throughout the garden conveys information about the art and history of bonsai, and the Arboretum’s own creative approach to it.


Outdoor Bonsai Exhibition Garden

  • Bonsai on Display Mid May – November; 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily
  • Garden Open Year Round
  • Parking Fees
    • Personal/Standard Vehicle (up to 20′ long): $20
    • Large vehicles (21′-29′ long): $60
    • Busses and Oversize Vehicles (30′ long+): $125
    • Members: Free

    Apart from the parking fee, there is no other admission charge to enter the Arboretum or our facilities, except in the case of advertised ticketed events.

Monday Night Dance: Community contra dance
Jul 1 @ 8:15 pm – 10:30 pm
St. George's Center for Art and Spirit

Welcome to our weekly community contra dance in West Asheville!  The Monday Night Dance has been around for decades, and we are carrying the torch forward! We are a loving, kind, and safe dance community and highly encourage masking during the dance. No derogatory comments in relation to masking will be tolerated! We encourage non-maskers to mask while partnering with a dancer wearing a mask, or to at least ask if the person would like them to mask while they dance with them.


Time: Contra dancing 8:15–10:30pm, with a beginner lesson starting at 7:45 and a waltz session ending the evening.

Location: St. George’s Center for Art and Spirit, 1 School Rd., Asheville, NC 28806

Cost: $12–$45 sliding scale, CASH ONLY. Please pay as much as you can afford to cover the cost of the wonderful live music, the caller, sound person, rent, and other expenses! ATMs are available at banks on Patton Ave., as well as cash back options at local gas stations and grocery stores.

Requirements: Face masks and sign-in agreeing to the dance’s Safety Guidelines.

Please enter through the front red doors to the sanctuary. Extra parking available in the lots between Moore’s Foot and Ankle and St. George’s (please avoid parking in front of their practice.) This is a scent-free dance. Please bring your own water and water bottle. Beginners are encouraged to attend! Beginner-friendly dances start the contra dancing in lieu of a lesson.

Community Focus

The Monday Night Dance is more than just a dance; the community is deeply rooted. Folks are welcome to sell their wares, like jewelry, dance shoes, dance clothes, pottery, etc. They are also welcome to leave business cards and help wanted or work needed ads. Additionally, the Take Some Leave Some Closet is a new feature of the MND. You can take any clothes, food, produce, feminine products or first aid supplies that we have, and as you are able you can also leave some to replenish. Private times to receive from the closet can also be arranged during the week depending on to the dance organizer’s availability.


We emphasize safety here at the MND. Mask wearing is strongly encouraged, and courtesy to those choosing to mask is required. No discrimination to those wearing masks will be tolerated! In addition, this is a family and LGBTQ-friendly dance and a safe event for ALL races, ethnicities, genders, ages, shapes, and sizes. Accordingly, no discrimination, inappropriate sexually predatory behavior, racist or discriminatory comments, bullying, or verbal or physical abuse of ANY kind will be tolerated. See our Safety Guidelines for more info.

Volunteers and Donations

Ours is a dance built on volunteerism, and we need your help to survive! Please consider volunteering or becoming a patron by giving a monetary gift. Opening, door and closing help are some of the volunteer jobs available. Those completing their entire shift dance free! Email [email protected] for more info and to sign up. 

Finally, please follow, like and join us on Facebook!

Thanks so much and see you on the dance floor!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Farm Beginnings® Program: Farmer program applications open
Jul 2 all-day
Organic Growers School

Farm Beginnings® is training the next generation of farmers in the many skills required to start and expand a successful farm business: passion, clear goals, production experience, financial and marketing know-how, and more.

Farm Beginnings® will help you build these skills through one year of farmer-led training, mentoring, and networking. We support individuals in clarifying their goals and strengths, developing agricultural skills, and growing profitable, equitable, and ecologically sound farm businesses.

The OGS Approach

Guided by our commitment to social justice, our programming is led by farmers and mentors active in food, farming, or social justice. By empowering people with skills, knowledge, and access to resources, together we can build a more diverse, equitable food system that enriches the environment and creates a thriving food and farming community.

We use a holistic management frame, farmer-led classroom sessions, on-farm tours, mentoring, and an extensive farmer network. The topics of equity and justice in the food systems are woven into the curriculum, including examples of realistic approaches within the scope of your business models.

What does Farm Beginnings® include?

The 200+ hr, year-long program consists of:

  • Training on holistic management, farm business, marketing & financial planning

  • Sessions taught by regional, experienced farmers

  • One-year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership

  • Completing and presenting an individualized farm plan

  • Access to field days with regional partners

  • Entry to ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference

  • Entry to OGS’s Spring Conference

  • 15 hr mentorship with an experienced farmer mentor

What does Farm Beginnings® include?

The 200+ hr, year-long program consists of:

  • Training on holistic management, farm business, marketing & financial planning

  • Sessions taught by regional, experienced farmers

  • One-year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership

  • Completing and presenting an individualized farm plan

  • Access to field days with regional partners

  • Entry to ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference

  • Entry to OGS’s Spring Conference

  • 15 hr mentorship with an experienced farmer mentor

View a sample of the full course schedule here.

Tools to Support Liberation
Jul 2 all-day
online w/Bountiful Cities

Liberation Tools is a cooperative subset of the 501c3 nonprofit Soul & Soil Project based in the unceded Tsalagi (Cherokee) territory of Western North Carolina.
Our mission is to build a collective that sustainably and skillfully crafts quality tools used for growing food, and freely distributes them to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. To support these efforts, we sell these tools for twice the cost of producing one, thereby allowing people with accumulated wealth to access high quality tools by also paying for an identical tool to be sent to a BIPOC land steward.


Volunteer w/ The Old Farmer’s Ball
Jul 2 all-day
Asheville NC

We need volunteers to make our dance happen

Please go to oldfarmersball.com and sign up to help – and you can dance for free!


Early Host (Board members preferred)

  • Arrive by 7pm
  • Greet the sound tech, band, and caller
  • Count money
  • Complete pay-out sheet
  • Supervise volunteers
  • Time commitment: 30 – 60 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night


  • Arrive by 7pm
  • Check in with Early Host
  • Sweep the hall
  • Set up chairs
  • Clean / stock bathrooms
  • Time commitment: 15 – 20 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night

Door Person

  • Arrive by 7pm
  • Check in with Early Host
  • Work when needed to take money at the door
  • Alternate with other Door People and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances
  • Slots available: 2
  • Time commitment: goes until break

Benefits: Dance free one whole night


  • Arrive by 9:15pm
  • Check in with Late Host
  • Fold and store chairs and tables
  • Sweep the floors
  • Empty and take out trash
  • Confirm completion of tasks with Late Host
  • Time commitment: 15 – 20 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night

Late Host (Board members preferred)

  • Arrive by 9pm (unless other arrangements have been made with Early Host)
  • Complete payout
  • Supervise Closers
  • Close the hall
  • Slots available: 1
  • Time commitment: 10 – 15 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night

Upcoming Dances

Three dances in July will be hosted by Swannanoa Gathering

July 4,

July 18 and

July 25

The July 18 dance will be a special Ceilidh Dance.

A reminder – We are NOT dancing on Aug 1 and 8

Be sure and save the date for our NYE dance




WNC Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training
Jul 2 all-day
Asheville Area

Become a CRAFT member and join us for some incredible CRAFT farm tours this summer!

WNC Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) is a farmer-led effort to bring established farmers, farm apprentices, and aspiring farmers together for year-long training in the art and science of sustainable agriculture, straight from the hearts, mouths, and fields of seasoned local farmers in Western North Carolina (WNC).

Why join CRAFT?

  • Network with beginning and experienced farmers to exchange your ideas and knowledge and build community in the region.
  • Expand your training opportunities beyond your farm to bolster the robustness of your apprenticeship offerings.
  • Attract aspiring farmers to your apprenticeship positions to cultivate success and improve the future of our region’s agriculture.
  • Farm tours are held monthly from April through October and focus on a specific aspect of sustainable farming. Check out the tour schedule and read blog posts about past tours.
  • Gain access to the CRAFT Farmer Handbook: farmer-generated, regionally-specific information on all aspects of farming.
  • Round-table discussions provide a place for farmers to discuss advanced farming topics.
  • The farmer network includes farmers and farm workers and is built on a farmer-to-farmer exchange of ideas.
Outdoor Bonsai Exhibition Garden
Jul 2 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
NC Arboretum

What is Bonsai?

Bonsai is a challenging and rewarding horticultural activity, in which ordinary plants are grown in an extraordinary way. Through rigorously applied cultivation techniques, trees, shrubs, vines and even herbaceous plants are kept in a miniaturized state, developed into artistic shapes and then displayed in special containers.

What makes the Arboretum’s bonsai endeavor unique among all other public collections in the United States? Regional Interpretation. Visitors will find the Arboretum’s bonsai collection of more than 100 specimens carefully cultivated with a Southern Appalachian accent. The collection draws inspiration from the traditional roots of bonsai, but takes the form of a contemporary, Southern Appalachian influenced American garden. Plantings in the landscape include species and cultivars of American, European and Asian origin.


The Bonsai Exhibition Garden

Established in October 2005, The North Carolina Arboretum’s Bonsai Exhibition Garden is a world renowned garden that displays up to 50 bonsai specimens at a time. Represented are traditional Asian bonsai subjects such as Japanese maple and Chinese elm, tropical plants such as willow-leaf fig and bougainvillea, and American species such as bald cypress and limber pine. Of particular importance are the plants native to the Blue Ridge region, such as American hornbeam and eastern white pine, which enable the Arboretum to bring the thousand-year tradition of bonsai home to the mountains of Western North Carolina. Interpretive signage throughout the garden conveys information about the art and history of bonsai, and the Arboretum’s own creative approach to it.


Outdoor Bonsai Exhibition Garden

  • Bonsai on Display Mid May – November; 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily
  • Garden Open Year Round
  • Parking Fees
    • Personal/Standard Vehicle (up to 20′ long): $20
    • Large vehicles (21′-29′ long): $60
    • Busses and Oversize Vehicles (30′ long+): $125
    • Members: Free

    Apart from the parking fee, there is no other admission charge to enter the Arboretum or our facilities, except in the case of advertised ticketed events.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Farm Beginnings® Program: Farmer program applications open
Jul 3 all-day
Organic Growers School

Farm Beginnings® is training the next generation of farmers in the many skills required to start and expand a successful farm business: passion, clear goals, production experience, financial and marketing know-how, and more.

Farm Beginnings® will help you build these skills through one year of farmer-led training, mentoring, and networking. We support individuals in clarifying their goals and strengths, developing agricultural skills, and growing profitable, equitable, and ecologically sound farm businesses.

The OGS Approach

Guided by our commitment to social justice, our programming is led by farmers and mentors active in food, farming, or social justice. By empowering people with skills, knowledge, and access to resources, together we can build a more diverse, equitable food system that enriches the environment and creates a thriving food and farming community.

We use a holistic management frame, farmer-led classroom sessions, on-farm tours, mentoring, and an extensive farmer network. The topics of equity and justice in the food systems are woven into the curriculum, including examples of realistic approaches within the scope of your business models.

What does Farm Beginnings® include?

The 200+ hr, year-long program consists of:

  • Training on holistic management, farm business, marketing & financial planning

  • Sessions taught by regional, experienced farmers

  • One-year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership

  • Completing and presenting an individualized farm plan

  • Access to field days with regional partners

  • Entry to ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference

  • Entry to OGS’s Spring Conference

  • 15 hr mentorship with an experienced farmer mentor

What does Farm Beginnings® include?

The 200+ hr, year-long program consists of:

  • Training on holistic management, farm business, marketing & financial planning

  • Sessions taught by regional, experienced farmers

  • One-year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership

  • Completing and presenting an individualized farm plan

  • Access to field days with regional partners

  • Entry to ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference

  • Entry to OGS’s Spring Conference

  • 15 hr mentorship with an experienced farmer mentor

View a sample of the full course schedule here.

Volunteer w/ The Old Farmer’s Ball
Jul 3 all-day
Asheville NC

We need volunteers to make our dance happen

Please go to oldfarmersball.com and sign up to help – and you can dance for free!


Early Host (Board members preferred)

  • Arrive by 7pm
  • Greet the sound tech, band, and caller
  • Count money
  • Complete pay-out sheet
  • Supervise volunteers
  • Time commitment: 30 – 60 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night


  • Arrive by 7pm
  • Check in with Early Host
  • Sweep the hall
  • Set up chairs
  • Clean / stock bathrooms
  • Time commitment: 15 – 20 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night

Door Person

  • Arrive by 7pm
  • Check in with Early Host
  • Work when needed to take money at the door
  • Alternate with other Door People and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances
  • Slots available: 2
  • Time commitment: goes until break

Benefits: Dance free one whole night


  • Arrive by 9:15pm
  • Check in with Late Host
  • Fold and store chairs and tables
  • Sweep the floors
  • Empty and take out trash
  • Confirm completion of tasks with Late Host
  • Time commitment: 15 – 20 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night

Late Host (Board members preferred)

  • Arrive by 9pm (unless other arrangements have been made with Early Host)
  • Complete payout
  • Supervise Closers
  • Close the hall
  • Slots available: 1
  • Time commitment: 10 – 15 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night

Upcoming Dances

Three dances in July will be hosted by Swannanoa Gathering

July 4,

July 18 and

July 25

The July 18 dance will be a special Ceilidh Dance.

A reminder – We are NOT dancing on Aug 1 and 8

Be sure and save the date for our NYE dance




WNC Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training
Jul 3 all-day
Asheville Area

Become a CRAFT member and join us for some incredible CRAFT farm tours this summer!

WNC Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) is a farmer-led effort to bring established farmers, farm apprentices, and aspiring farmers together for year-long training in the art and science of sustainable agriculture, straight from the hearts, mouths, and fields of seasoned local farmers in Western North Carolina (WNC).

Why join CRAFT?

  • Network with beginning and experienced farmers to exchange your ideas and knowledge and build community in the region.
  • Expand your training opportunities beyond your farm to bolster the robustness of your apprenticeship offerings.
  • Attract aspiring farmers to your apprenticeship positions to cultivate success and improve the future of our region’s agriculture.
  • Farm tours are held monthly from April through October and focus on a specific aspect of sustainable farming. Check out the tour schedule and read blog posts about past tours.
  • Gain access to the CRAFT Farmer Handbook: farmer-generated, regionally-specific information on all aspects of farming.
  • Round-table discussions provide a place for farmers to discuss advanced farming topics.
  • The farmer network includes farmers and farm workers and is built on a farmer-to-farmer exchange of ideas.
Outdoor Bonsai Exhibition Garden
Jul 3 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
NC Arboretum

What is Bonsai?

Bonsai is a challenging and rewarding horticultural activity, in which ordinary plants are grown in an extraordinary way. Through rigorously applied cultivation techniques, trees, shrubs, vines and even herbaceous plants are kept in a miniaturized state, developed into artistic shapes and then displayed in special containers.

What makes the Arboretum’s bonsai endeavor unique among all other public collections in the United States? Regional Interpretation. Visitors will find the Arboretum’s bonsai collection of more than 100 specimens carefully cultivated with a Southern Appalachian accent. The collection draws inspiration from the traditional roots of bonsai, but takes the form of a contemporary, Southern Appalachian influenced American garden. Plantings in the landscape include species and cultivars of American, European and Asian origin.


The Bonsai Exhibition Garden

Established in October 2005, The North Carolina Arboretum’s Bonsai Exhibition Garden is a world renowned garden that displays up to 50 bonsai specimens at a time. Represented are traditional Asian bonsai subjects such as Japanese maple and Chinese elm, tropical plants such as willow-leaf fig and bougainvillea, and American species such as bald cypress and limber pine. Of particular importance are the plants native to the Blue Ridge region, such as American hornbeam and eastern white pine, which enable the Arboretum to bring the thousand-year tradition of bonsai home to the mountains of Western North Carolina. Interpretive signage throughout the garden conveys information about the art and history of bonsai, and the Arboretum’s own creative approach to it.


Outdoor Bonsai Exhibition Garden

  • Bonsai on Display Mid May – November; 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily
  • Garden Open Year Round
  • Parking Fees
    • Personal/Standard Vehicle (up to 20′ long): $20
    • Large vehicles (21′-29′ long): $60
    • Busses and Oversize Vehicles (30′ long+): $125
    • Members: Free

    Apart from the parking fee, there is no other admission charge to enter the Arboretum or our facilities, except in the case of advertised ticketed events.

Thursday, July 4, 2024
Farm Beginnings® Program: Farmer program applications open
Jul 4 all-day
Organic Growers School

Farm Beginnings® is training the next generation of farmers in the many skills required to start and expand a successful farm business: passion, clear goals, production experience, financial and marketing know-how, and more.

Farm Beginnings® will help you build these skills through one year of farmer-led training, mentoring, and networking. We support individuals in clarifying their goals and strengths, developing agricultural skills, and growing profitable, equitable, and ecologically sound farm businesses.

The OGS Approach

Guided by our commitment to social justice, our programming is led by farmers and mentors active in food, farming, or social justice. By empowering people with skills, knowledge, and access to resources, together we can build a more diverse, equitable food system that enriches the environment and creates a thriving food and farming community.

We use a holistic management frame, farmer-led classroom sessions, on-farm tours, mentoring, and an extensive farmer network. The topics of equity and justice in the food systems are woven into the curriculum, including examples of realistic approaches within the scope of your business models.

What does Farm Beginnings® include?

The 200+ hr, year-long program consists of:

  • Training on holistic management, farm business, marketing & financial planning

  • Sessions taught by regional, experienced farmers

  • One-year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership

  • Completing and presenting an individualized farm plan

  • Access to field days with regional partners

  • Entry to ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference

  • Entry to OGS’s Spring Conference

  • 15 hr mentorship with an experienced farmer mentor

What does Farm Beginnings® include?

The 200+ hr, year-long program consists of:

  • Training on holistic management, farm business, marketing & financial planning

  • Sessions taught by regional, experienced farmers

  • One-year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership

  • Completing and presenting an individualized farm plan

  • Access to field days with regional partners

  • Entry to ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference

  • Entry to OGS’s Spring Conference

  • 15 hr mentorship with an experienced farmer mentor

View a sample of the full course schedule here.

Tools to Support Liberation
Jul 4 all-day
online w/Bountiful Cities

Liberation Tools is a cooperative subset of the 501c3 nonprofit Soul & Soil Project based in the unceded Tsalagi (Cherokee) territory of Western North Carolina.
Our mission is to build a collective that sustainably and skillfully crafts quality tools used for growing food, and freely distributes them to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. To support these efforts, we sell these tools for twice the cost of producing one, thereby allowing people with accumulated wealth to access high quality tools by also paying for an identical tool to be sent to a BIPOC land steward.


Volunteer w/ The Old Farmer’s Ball
Jul 4 all-day
Asheville NC

We need volunteers to make our dance happen

Please go to oldfarmersball.com and sign up to help – and you can dance for free!


Early Host (Board members preferred)

  • Arrive by 7pm
  • Greet the sound tech, band, and caller
  • Count money
  • Complete pay-out sheet
  • Supervise volunteers
  • Time commitment: 30 – 60 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night


  • Arrive by 7pm
  • Check in with Early Host
  • Sweep the hall
  • Set up chairs
  • Clean / stock bathrooms
  • Time commitment: 15 – 20 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night

Door Person

  • Arrive by 7pm
  • Check in with Early Host
  • Work when needed to take money at the door
  • Alternate with other Door People and Early host to switch off who sits and who dances
  • Slots available: 2
  • Time commitment: goes until break

Benefits: Dance free one whole night


  • Arrive by 9:15pm
  • Check in with Late Host
  • Fold and store chairs and tables
  • Sweep the floors
  • Empty and take out trash
  • Confirm completion of tasks with Late Host
  • Time commitment: 15 – 20 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night

Late Host (Board members preferred)

  • Arrive by 9pm (unless other arrangements have been made with Early Host)
  • Complete payout
  • Supervise Closers
  • Close the hall
  • Slots available: 1
  • Time commitment: 10 – 15 minutes

Benefits: Dance free the same night

Upcoming Dances

Three dances in July will be hosted by Swannanoa Gathering

July 4,

July 18 and

July 25

The July 18 dance will be a special Ceilidh Dance.

A reminder – We are NOT dancing on Aug 1 and 8

Be sure and save the date for our NYE dance




WNC Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training
Jul 4 all-day
Asheville Area

Become a CRAFT member and join us for some incredible CRAFT farm tours this summer!

WNC Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) is a farmer-led effort to bring established farmers, farm apprentices, and aspiring farmers together for year-long training in the art and science of sustainable agriculture, straight from the hearts, mouths, and fields of seasoned local farmers in Western North Carolina (WNC).

Why join CRAFT?

  • Network with beginning and experienced farmers to exchange your ideas and knowledge and build community in the region.
  • Expand your training opportunities beyond your farm to bolster the robustness of your apprenticeship offerings.
  • Attract aspiring farmers to your apprenticeship positions to cultivate success and improve the future of our region’s agriculture.
  • Farm tours are held monthly from April through October and focus on a specific aspect of sustainable farming. Check out the tour schedule and read blog posts about past tours.
  • Gain access to the CRAFT Farmer Handbook: farmer-generated, regionally-specific information on all aspects of farming.
  • Round-table discussions provide a place for farmers to discuss advanced farming topics.
  • The farmer network includes farmers and farm workers and is built on a farmer-to-farmer exchange of ideas.