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Join us for a back to school, back to learning, 21 Day Racial Equity, and Social Justice Challenge. This challenge provides an opportunity to dive into racial equity and social justice topics where participants will be provided curated resources like articles, podcasts, activities, and more conveniently delivered straight to their inbox. Resource emails will begin Sunday, August 9th, and continue for four weeks.
A 21 day, habit building series like this helps you discover how racial inequity and social injustice impact our community. This series will allow you to connect with others and identify ways to dismantle racism and other forms of discrimination.
Registration is now open on our YWCA of Asheville’s website.We will also be facilitating conversation in the 21 Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge Facebook group, where
participants can discuss the content and engage with participants taking the challenge.
Our challenge was inspired by the YWCA of Greater Cleveland, who was inspired by Food Solutions New England. Food Solutions New England was the first to use an exercise from Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. and Debby Irving’s book and adapt it into an interactive 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge. The challenge is designed to create dedicated time and space to build more effective social justice habits and bring awareness to issues of race, power, privilege, and leadership.