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Help Make a Local Family’s Table a Bit Brighter and Donate a Turkey to our
This holiday season, we are hoping to fill families’ tables across our region with the staples that we all enjoy during a special holiday meal.
Food with Hope and Dignity
One reality of food banking is that food banks commonly receive holiday-specific food donations after a holiday has already occurred, making it difficult for food banks to provide these food items in a timely way to our neighbors seeking food assistance. We want families across our 16 counties to be able to celebrate the holiday with the rest of the community, and with that hope in mind, we are looking for the community to step up and help us eliminate one more worry for families about how they will fill their own holiday tables.
Donate a Turkey for the Holidays
When you are out shopping, we encourage you to pick up an extra frozen turkey to donate to MANNA! We know that hunger is a daily worry for tens of thousands of people across our region, and something as simple as a holiday turkey can truly give the gift of happiness and hope to people living through the daily experience of food insecurity.