Arboretum Excursions: Highlands Biological Station with Patrick Brannon
Saturday, April 12 | 1 – 4 pm
Since 1927, the mission of WCU’s Highlands Biological Station has been to foster education and research focused on the rich biodiversity of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Through its Nature Center exhibits, hands-on educational STEM programs, and immersive biological field experiences, HBS seeks to instill a greater awareness, understanding, and appreciation of our region and the natural world. Participants in this workshop will have opportunities to tour the Station’s facilities such as the Nature Center exhibits, research laboratories, and Botanical Garden Trails – which feature more than 500 species of native plants including old-growth hemlock trees.
Although scientists working at Highlands Biological Station have conducted research on a wide variety of species over the years, no group of animals has been studied more thoroughly than salamanders. After the tour, participants will learn about the region’s high biodiversity including salamanders, and then be given an opportunity to collect and identify species in an onsite stream. Please bring shoes that can potentially get wet (these need not be “water shoes”; old sneakers are fine).
Please visit for additional information.
This program takes place in the classroom and outdoors. Please come prepared to walk on gentle, yet uneven terrain, and dress appropriately for the weather.