Asheville Art League

If you're looking for the opportunity to explore your creativity, joining with local artists may be a great inspiration to you. The Asheville Art League promotes art throughout WNC. Their goals include developing public appreciation for all forms of visual arts through sponsorship of speakers, classes and exhibits, and serving as an educational institution in the community.

Activities The Art League holds program meetings which offer networking with area artists. They publish an informative newsletter, which lists upcoming workshops, both local and regional. Two juried shows are held each year in addition to a city-wide arts event called "Wonder Fall."

Meeting Times The Asheville Art League meets the third Thursday of each month. Board meetings, which are open to members are held the third Tuesday each month.

Membership Information Membership dues are $25 annually. P.O. Box 744, Asheville, NC 28802, phone 704-667-8361.