The nation’s largest comedy club network is back! After a popular run in Tina McGuire Theatre the past two seasons, this hilarious collective returns, bringing top-notch comedians for four weekends of laughter. Some of the hottest stand-up comedians of today — seen in specials on Comedy Central, HBO Comedy, Netflix, Hulu and more — deliver witty one-liners, preposterous punchlines, and hysterical anecdotes that you’ll never forget. Contains adult content.
Headliner Greg Morton
At age 16, Greg Morton got first job at a local department store, as a P.A. announcer. That same voice that grabbed the attention of shoppers, recently wowed judges, on the season 14 premier of America’s Got Talent. Howie Mandel said, “I can’t believe there isn’t a banner with your name on it in Vegas,” and called him a one-man variety show!