Pop the champagne! MOULIN ROUGE! THE MUSICAL, the winner of 10 Tony Awards®, is coming to Greenville.
Enter a world of splendor and romance, of eye-popping excess, of glitz, grandeur, and glory! A world where Bohemians and aristocrats rub elbows and revel in electrifying enchantment. Welcome to MOULIN ROUGE! THE MUSICAL! Baz Luhrmann’s revolutionary film comes to life onstage, remixed in a new musical mash-up extravaganza. Directed by Tony Award® winner Alex Timbers, MOULIN ROUGE! THE MUSICAL is a theatrical celebration of Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and — above all — Love. With a book by Tony Award® winner John Logan; music supervision, orchestrations, and arrangements by Tony Award® winner Justin Levine; and choreography by Tony Award® winner Sonya Tayeh, MOULIN ROUGE! is more than a musical — it is a state of mind.
Moulin Rouge! The Musical is a grand and spectacular production; the musical contains some mature themes and adult language. It is recommended for ages 12+.
This show contains the use of haze, fog, strobe lights, flashing lights and the appearance of firearms on stage.