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Friends of the Library Donate $29,469.45 to Henderson County Library System

The Friends of the Henderson County Public Library presented a check for $29,469.45 to County Commissioner Larry Young at the monthly meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. The donation offset half of the cost of replacing the carpet on the bottom floor of the main library branch on Washington Street.

Commissioner Larry Young commented, "The Friends of the Library continue to work diligently to provide generous donations to aid the Henderson County Library system. This donation was raised to pay for the carpeting in the main library. Throughout the years Friends of the Library has not only provided many donations, but they have contributed many hours of labor going above and beyond. They have been, and continue to be, an integral part of making Henderson County Public Library one of the top ranked libraries in the state."

Linda Kirchen, President of the Friends of the Library, stated "We are happy that the Friends have been able to make this special contribution. For more than fifty years the Friends have worked to provide supplemental funding for our library system. The hard work of our volunteers together with the generosity of our members and those purchasing at our books sales, lobby sales and online has made this additional donation possible."

The Friends of the Library organization is a member driven, volunteer organization that focuses on supporting the Henderson County Library branches. Each year they contribute many hours in service to aid the Library in programs and services. They sponsor literary and cultural programs which are free of charge to the community and they raise funds for the Library through memberships and the Annual Book Sale.

(Image provided by Craig Gaulden Davis.)

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